
September 4, 2011

An invite for you

Some choice links worth looking at

September 2, 2011

Just a thought or two

If you were to leave a house on the west coast for 10 or so years, you would come back to discover it engulfed by the bush and probably hard to find, To us this would seem chaotic, but to the birds and lizards etc, this is back to a comfortable order .Having had this in mind, I have painted from the viewpoint of my banks peninsula environment and ecology ,thinking whimsically 'what would happen if one was to leave a window open here for a length of time?'We are surrounded by a great treasure, our unique wildlife and like our history it too is vulnerable as a china tea set in Canterbury .

August 25, 2011

Exhibition at the Little River Gallery 2011

Just a heads up for the upcoming shared exhibition at the fab Little River gallery,
starting 10/Sept/2011 and running for two weeks.
I'll be selling a variety of my prints, new paintings, even some neat tee towels.

The painting here is nearly finished and is a wee example of some of the work to be exhibited.

April 28, 2011

Thought I'd share an images

He still puts a smile on my dial,
check out mr bellybutton and
mr raspberry miice.

Wouldn't it be choice if cats
came in blue too.

If you're interested,
this chap has been turned into
a greeting card and is selling
at '' site, along with
a new selection of greeting card

April 11, 2011

Just a wee showcase of my work on the 'felt' site

Lino-cut  'Cat guy'
Lino-cut 'Frank the Otter'
Lino-cut 'Humpback whale, cow & calf'
Lino-print  'Deep rooted tree'(green)
carved lino print 'Artful Dodger'
Carved lino print 'Winged whale'
Carved lino print "Winged Rex'
'Weedles the rex'
'Queen's of Spades
'Master Martin Pine'

January 8, 2011

Rare as hens teeth

Actually this little chapie is perhaps even rarer than hens teeth!
The Scottish Pine marten, I discovered was rare back in the 40's
when I read 'Taka the Otter one popped up in the book briefly.
I just absolutely fell in love with the little chap
and he was soo calling out to be painted.
He sold pretty fast to someone obviously with my sentiments,
from the ATA gallery in Akaroa.